Sunday. 09.02.2025

The Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment published on 18 September the results of the latest Occupational Barometer. Conducted in August and September 2020, the study is based on estimates provided by public Employment Offices (TE Offices) regarding the short-term prospects for key occupations.

In this edition, the barometer has analyzed the situation in 200 occupations. According to its findings, this autumn 31 occupations were defined as shortage occupations nationwide. Other 34 are now surplus occupations. 

"The number of surplus occupations has increased since last spring, but it had started to grow before the coronavirus outbreak," the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment said in a press release.

Labour shortages

According to the Occupational Barometer, there is a significant shortage of skilled labour at the national level, especially in the health and social services sector. These occupations represent a bigger share of the top 15 shortage occupations than ever before.

Even before the coronavirus crisis, barometers showed that nurses and social work specialists were occupations in which several regions in Finland experienced a major labour shortage. However, the coronavirus epidemic did not significantly change the situation in occupations such as registered nurses and public health nurses.

The leading shortage occupations now also include programmers and application developers. New on the list of top 15 shortage occupations, representing the health and social services sector, are bioanalysts and home care assistants, which are not very large occupational groups.


Source: Occupational barometer.

Note: the list shown above is for the Helsinki metropolitan area. To see the data of your area of ​​residence, click HERE

Surplus occupations

Changes in the list of top 15 surplus occupations have not been as dramatic as in shortage occupations.

General secretarial occupations continue to show labour surplus. New on the list of top 15 surplus occupations are travel agency employees, hotel receptionists and electronics and automation installers.

The creative industry continues to be strongly represented in the top surplus occupations.


Source: Occupational barometer.

Note: the list shown above is for the Helsinki metropolitan area. To see the data of your area of ​​residence, click HERE

Regional differences

The number of shortage occupations has decreased especially in the construction sector, but there are significant regional differences. Although there is some labour surplus in the food and beverage sector, some occupations continue to suffer from labour shortage.

As the coronavirus epidemic progressed, travel and tourism related occupations rose to the top of surplus occupations.

The Occupational Barometer aims to increase the balance between job seeking and job vacancies, and promote occupational and regional mobility.

The next employment outlook by occupation will be prepared in spring 2021.

15 occupations with highest and lowest demand for labour in Finland