Sunday. 09.02.2025

The number of coronavirus infections in Finnish schools continues to increase.

On Friday, the city of Sipoo (36 km northeast of Helsinki) reported the finding of a second infection at the Sipoonjoki school, which is located at the central area of Nikkilä. As a result, 15 students and "several teachers" have been quarantined as a precautionary measure, municipal authorities explained in a press release.

This case adds to another one discovered last Tuesday at the same school, which forced to quarantine another 20 students and an unspecified number of teachers.

Since the Government ordered to reopen Finnish schools on 14 May, coronavirus has affected 3 schools in Sipoo and at least 6 other schools in Vantaa, Espoo, Helsinki and Porvoo.

Different teaching group

Sipoo authorities explained that the second second infected student found in Sipoonjoki school was from a different teaching group than those infected last Tuesday. Now, he and his companions who have been exposed to the contagion of the disease have switched back to distance learning.

The parents of the exposed children were informed on Thursday of the situation.

Other students and teaching groups from the same school who are not known to have been exposed will continue face-to-face teaching in accordance with government-imposed hygiene and safety practices.

Second Covid-19 infection found in a school in Sipoo