Monday. 10.02.2025

The town of Porvoo, in eastern Uusimaa, was hit Thursday afternoon by very sad news.

A small school-age child, who participated with other classmates in an after-school activity, drowned in the local swimming pool without any of the people present - not their caregivers, classmates or other users of the facility - noticing.

The city of Porvoo reported the tragedy in a brief press release on its website, in which it did not give any details about what happened. It only refers to the fact that the victim died despite "resuscitation attempts."

The mayor of the city, Jukka-Pekka Ujula, conveyed in the statement his "deepest condolences" to the loved ones of the victim. "The news is shocking and sad and it will certainly touch all Porvoo residents," added the mayor.

The swimming pool was closed after the event but reopened on Friday.

Police investigation launched

The East Uusimaa Police Department reported on Friday that it has launched an investigation into the case, to try to find out the course of events and their causes.

According to the Uusimaa newspaper, the child's death occurred around 4:00 p.m. at a time when there were "many people" in the pool.

The police have begun reviewing the images recorded by the security cameras in order to clarify how this sad case may have occurred.

School-age child drowned in Porvoo pool without anyone noticing