Sunday. 16.02.2025

The police will interrogate on Tuesday the two suspects arrested last Sunday evening in connection with the shooting or two police officers in Porvoo, according to he National Bureau of Investigation (Keskusrikospoliisi).

The shooting occurred after on Saturday night to Sunday in a small industrial area in Koneistajantie, where a patrol of the Eastern Uusimaa Police Department went after receiving a regular alert. The agents arrived at the scene at 00:30 and suspects immediately opened fire against them.

As a result, both cops were wounded and needed hospital assistance, although their life is not in danger and one of them left the hospital shortly after.

The National Bureau of Investigation took over the case and launched a large operation to find the perpetrators of the shots. And apparently they did it in less than 24 hours: on Sunday evening, around 20:36, two suspects were arrested in Ikaalinen (Tampere region) after a 30 minutes road chase. 

It was not an easy operation: during the road chase the suspects opened fire on the police cars and three vehicles were damaged. There were no personal damages.

Murder attempts and traffic offences

The police informed that the suspects are two men born in 1989 and 1994. One of them has dual citizenship Swedish and Finnish and the other one is Swedish.

Kimmo Huhta-Aho, from the National Bureau of Investigation, explained that the detainees are suspected of several murder attempts. Two of those attempts are related to the incident in Porvoo and the others could be connected to the events during the road chase on Sunday night. The final number will be specified when the investigation progresses. They will probably be charged also with serious traffic law offences.

Police explained that the whole investigation is still in its early stages. In addition to the interrogations, police experts are also conducting further technical investigations and the examination of clues.

The deadline for filing a detention request is Wednesday 28 August.

Police interrogate suspects of shooting two cops in Porvoo