Sunday. 16.02.2025

Finnish air transport figures continue to show the decline resulting from the coronavirus crisis, both in terms of cargo and the number of passengers.

In March 2021, altogether 167,754 passengers flew through Finnish airports, which was 83% fewer than twelve months earlier.

There were 119,526 passengers at Helsinki Airport and a total of 48,228 passengers at other domestic airports.

The number of passengers at Helsinki Airport decreased by 84% and the combined number of passengers at other Finnish airports went down by 77% compared to March 2020

Helsinki Airport accounted for 71% of all passengers at domestic airports.

45% of the passengers were from international flights and 55% from domestic flights.

The share of passengers on international flights was 62% at Helsinki Airport and 3% in total at other domestic airports.

Air freight

In March 2021, air freight and mail transport totalled 10,431 tonnes, which was 26% lower than one year earlier.

In total, 99.7% of the tonnes passed through Helsinki Airport and 99% were transported in traffic between Finland and foreign countries.

Altogether 5,617 tonnes of the transported volume of goods were outgoing and 4,814 tonnes were incoming.

Finnish authorities and airlines expect the figures to improve as of May, as the vaccination process progresses and Finland launches its digital certificate for travel.

Passengers at Finnish airports decreased 83% in March