Monday. 10.02.2025

The Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) informed that its service point in Tampere will move to Hervanta next month. According to the information published in its customer's bulletin, the new address of the office will be Tekniikankatu 1.

The Immigration authority said the new service point will open on Monday 5 August 2019. But due to the move, the customer service in the city of Tampere will be closed the whole previous week, from 29 July.

Migri will be open again in the suburb of Hervanta on 5 August. The office will work on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:00 to 16:15. The service point will be closed on Thursdays.

Public transport

The new service point is situated next to the Police University College in Hervanta, near the shopping centre Duo. Migri says "the new service point is easily accessible by public transport". According to its explanation, the trip by bus from Tampere city centre to the new location "takes about 30 minutes".

Migri does not provide in the bulletin any information about the bus numbers or any other public transport services that stop next to the new service point. Instead, they encourage customers to check the routes and timetables HERE

For those who go by car, Migri says there will be a parking lot free of charge.

Security checks

Migri reminds its customers that, when entering the service point in Hervanta, they will need to go through security. Therefore, they suggest to arrive 15 minutes before the appointment.

Security checks were introduced by Migri since January 15. All customers -even babies or small children- are obliged to undergo x-ray and metal detectors before entering its facilities.

Migri's office in Tampere will move to Hervanta in August