Monday. 10.02.2025

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment plans to increase labour migration and to improve the labour market skills of immigrants already living in Finland. However, it is still very hard to find a job if you are a foreigner. asked the readers in a Twitter poll which one of the four ways in the poll are the best way to find a job in Finland. The four options were help with TE Office, with connections, internet (Linkedin etc) and first being an intern.

Mini poll was answered by 38 readers and 55% of the readers said that the best way to find a job in Finland is connections. 24% voted first being an intern, 13% voted internet and 8% said help with TE office is the best way to find a job. is going to ask a different question about Finland every Friday on its official Twitter account

In Finland it is hard to find work unless you have contacts, say readers