Saturday. 08.02.2025

Finland's national airline Finnair has been firing cabin crews suspected of having used customer passwords to access the Wi-Fi network during flights.

Finnair communications manager Manti Väätäinen-Pereira confirmed the layoffs. However, the company has not yet clarified how many workers have been affected. "We are still in the process of consultation. We will investigate this internally,” Väätäinen-Pereira told to local newspaper Iltalehti.

The issue has been known by the Finnish Cabin Crew Association (SLSY). Chairman Jari Toivonen told Yle that this organization does not have yet any information about the number of employees who have been dismissed. The company intends to continue investigating the matter during this week.

Discomfort and economic loss

According to Finnish press, Finnair suspects that up to 100 workers have been using without permission IDs assigned to customers to connect to Internet during the flights. As a result, passengers could not use their own access codes, with the consequent discomfort for clients and economic loss for Finnair.

The abuse was discovered by the company as a result of the investigation of an individual case.

The company said a few weeks ago that no data security breaches have occurred as a result of inappropriate use of the Wi-Fi service.

Finnair dismisses workers for using Wi-Fi client logins