Monday. 10.02.2025

In order to face the emergency caused by the coronavirus (koronavirus, in Finnish) epidemic, the Finnish government has proposed a number of temporary amendments to the unemployment benefit coverage. The aim is to better protect employees, entrepreneurs and self-employed people by providing them access to unemployment benefits.

The proposed changes will soon enter into force and affect the eligibility conditions for unemployment benefits and the coverage of self-employed people.

If you have been temporarily laid off or you lost your job or you are a self employed person and your business has been seriously affected by the epidemic and the restrictions imposed by the government to curb the virus spread, then you may have the right to unemployment benefits.

If you are a member of an unemployment fund, then follow their instructions for an earnings-related unemployment allowance. But if you are not, you can apply for unemployment benefits from the Social Security Institution (Kela).

How to apply:

  • Register with TE Services as an unemployed jobseeker if you have been laid off temporarily or permanently or if you are self-employed but have no work. TE Services will give Kela a statement about whether you are eligible for unemployment benefits.
  • Apply for unemployment benefits from Kela. Send your application and supporting documents to Kela's online customer service, if you can do it. If you cannot use the online customer service, you can send your application and supporting documents by post to Kela, PL 10, 00056 Kela.

Download here the application form

If you send the application by mail, you will need to complete the following application form to submit your request.

Click on the image to download it in PDF format from Kela's website.


Download here the form to apply for unemployment benefits due to coronavirus epidemic