Saturday. 08.02.2025

The Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) has been since the beginning of the year encouraging Brits living in Finland to register for their right of residence.

When Brexit eventually happens and the United Kingdom abandons the European Union (EU), only those who are registered by the end date will have an extended right of residence until the end of 2020, as stated by Finnish law.

In 2018, about 600 British citizens registered their right of residence. In 2019, the corresponding figure is already around 500 in the first quarter of the year, according to the latest figures published by Migri in its website.

EU citizen registrations 2019, British citizens:

  • January: 114 positive, 3 negative.
  • February: 178 positive, 4 negative.
  • March: 201 positive, 16 negative.

Approximately 5,000 Britons would have to apply for a residence permit from Finland if the United Kingdom divorces the EU without an withdrawal agreement. And some of them may not qualify for a residence permit, Migri warns.

Finland has been preparing for Brexit by passing a specific law. British residents living in Finland can continue their stay, work and study, and receive their social security benefits until the end of 2020 if they have registered their EU residence right before the final day of withdrawal.

Finnish authorities encourage those UK citizens who still did not register to do it as soon as possible. For more information on who needs to register and instructions about how to do it, click HERE

Brexit fosters the registration of Britons in Finland