Sunday. 09.02.2025

Finland's Social Security Institution (Kela) has appealed to all students who are completing degrees entirely outside Finland to send a certificate of attendance and a certified transcript of their course credits in the previous year, in order to maintain their student aid payments.

According to Kela, 4,000 students studying abroad still have not sent the required documentation. The Social Security authority remarked that any student who does not submit the documentation to Kela will see his financial aid payments stopped since November.

Kela recommends students that when send the required documents, "either scan or take a good-quality photo of them". Then, sign in to Kela’s online service and select Viestit (Messages). Then send a message and attach the documents to it. As the subject for the message select Opiskelijan tuet (Benefits for students) and then Opintotuki (Student financial aid).

If you want to access Kela's e-service, you can do it by clicking HERE

4,000 students abroad have not sent Kela documents for financial aid