Sunday. 16.02.2025

The Koronavilkku app has been downloaded more than 2.5 million times, according to the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).

The app was published just over two months ago. Relative to population size, Koronavilkku is one of the most-downloaded coronavirus applications in the world. 

However, THL only provides information on the number downloads and does not say how many people have it active at the moment. That would give an idea of ​​how many users may have removed it from their phones even after trying it.

Koronavilkku users made a total of 2846 in-app infection reports during September and October. This means that approximately 34,9% of people who had received a positive test result reported their infection in Koronavilkku, sending an exposure notification to other users who they might have exposed to the virus.

“Koronavilkku has been an asset in breaking infection chains during this autumn. For example in the Vaasa area, the app reports have helped in identifying individual and group exposure events. The more people are using the app, the more often it can help us in this way”, says Aleksi Yrttiaho, Director of Information Services at THL.

Infection trackers

Users report their infection status with a single-use unlock code that is entered into the app. Users receive the unlock code during an interview with a tracker of infectious diseases. There are more than 1,000 infection trackers in Finland trained to provide the unlock codes.

Based on a campaign survey on Koronavilkku, 90% of Finns have heard of the app. The app has been downloaded the most by people under 25, with 71% reporting that they have downloaded Koronavilkku. The app has been downloaded the least by people aged 45 to 54.

Since its launch, the app has undergone several updates including operational improvements, design changes and the release of an English version, so that it can be understood by the population of foreign origin.

Koronavilkku has been downloaded more than 2.5 million times