Sunday. 16.02.2025

Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is the world's first country to register a coronavirus vaccine, the Sputnik V. He also added, "One of my daughters got vaccinated, so in this sense, she took part in the testing."

Vaccines normally take many years to be tested and produced on a large scale. For that reason, some people are suspicious of the Russian coronavirus vaccine. Even Russia's ally Iran said that the vaccine could be "potentially dangerous".

On the other hand, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said Russia's coronavirus vaccine will be made available to medical personnel within the coming weeks.

Therefore, asked the readers in a Twitter poll: “Do you trust the Russian coronavirus vaccine and would you use it?”

In the poll, the respondents were given two options which were 'Yes’ and ' No'.

The mini poll was answered by 69 readers and 71% of the readers do not trust the Russian Covid-19 vaccine and they would not use it. 29% said, ‘Yes’.

About the reader’s comments from Facebook, one reader said, “Tested on under 80 people is a joke! Makes a mockery of science. The vast majority of people are asymptomatic - never get ill... This drug could be a danger. - actually help spread the virus, in other words, make it worse! As for trusting west v east - come on. Too many Russians are brain washed / duped. Putin is even in process of blocking the world wide web. Cant its people see what is happening?”

Another reader said, “Never never trust a Russian particularly a politician...just ask any FINN...!”

Also one reader added, “And why should I trust a western vaccine? is going to ask a different question about Finland every Friday on its official Twitter account readers do not trust Russian Covid-19 vaccine