Sunday. 16.02.2025

The world is shutting down. There are over 2 million confirmed positive cases of coronavirus around the globe, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) report. Countries continue to enforce social distancing, encourage self-isolation policies, close schools and museums, and postpone major events. 

Therefore, asked the readers in a Twitter poll, “When will the coronavirus epidemic end?”

In the poll, the respondents were given four options which were 'Beginning of Summer', 'End of Summer', 'End of 2020’ and ‘Summer 2021’.

The mini poll was answered by 82 readers and 36.6% of them said 'Summer 2021'. 24.4% voted ‘End of Summer', 23.2% said ‘End of 2020’ and 15.9% voted ‘Beginning of Summer.

About the reader's comments, one reader said, “35% people think in the end of summer 2021... hopefully that's not true.”

Another reader said, “Just because we hide in our caves doesn't mean covid will go away any time soon and even if we find a vaccine there will be another covid mutating somewhere to strike again. Coming out of lockdown will be scarily interesting.”

One reader also said, “I was being sarcastic...sorry...mañana is my choice. Always mañana.”

Although the poll was launched in Twitter, we also got some comments from readers via Facebook:

- "It will never end." (FB)

- "Never because the governments of the world are more concerned with power and profit. The whole planet needs a synchronised full lockdown of 28 days. no borders open for any reason. governments deliver emergency rations to every household. Medical staff work on a vaccine. Energy, rent, mortgages, phone and internet all free. no bills or taxes for the 28 days. Progress, not profit." (FB)

- "It will end when there is no life on earth left. So I'd say 5/2020" (FB)

- “Mid May, otherwise you can kiss your economy goodbye for the next, at least, five years.” (FB)

- “Not going away. hopefully some treatments come out. When TB came then also similar situation but those times population and movement was restricted.” (FB) is going to ask a different question about Finland every Friday on its official Twitter account

Coronavirus will end in Summer 2021, say readers