Monday. 10.02.2025

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the establishment of a Father's Day to increase the appreciation of men in the family, the Kremlin announced on Monday.

The 68-year-old, who has two adult daughters, decided by decree that the day is to be celebrated every third Sunday in October. It is intended to consolidate the family as an institution and especially honour the role of men in raising children, the Kremlin said.

The decree came into force on Monday, meaning Father's Day is expected to be celebrated for the first time on October 17. The state agency Ria Novosti published a full beer glass on its telegram channel Kremlinpool alongside the news.

In Germany, for example, Father's Day is traditionally celebrated on the holiday of Ascension Day without state intervention.

Russia already has several holidays for men, such as Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Mother's day introduced by Yeltsin

Putin's predecessor Boris Yeltsin also introduced a Mother's Day by decree in 1998 - celebrated on the last Sunday in November.

There is also Women's Day on March 8, which is a day off work in Russia.

Putin had it enshrined in the constitution that marriage can only be a union between a man and a woman.

Other forms of family - with two same-sex parents, for instance - are not tolerated in Russia or sometimes even persecuted, according to human rights activists.

Putin decrees Father's Day to honour men's role in raising children