Wednesday. 15.01.2025

Home sales in Spain registered a year-on-year increase of 53.5% in July, according to data from the Spanish statistical office (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, INE).

In July, 92% of the dwellings transferred by sale were free-market dwellings and 8% were protected dwellings.

The number of free dwellings transferred by sale increased by 58%, and that of protected dwellings by 15.5% compared with July 2020, the INE said in a press release.

In July, 18.9% of the dwellings transferred by sale were new and 81.1% were used.

The number of new home transactions rose 40.2% compared to July 2020 and that of used homes 56.9%.

Screenshot 2021-09-28 at 10-55-55 Notas de prensa INE (inglés) - etdp0721_en pdf

Source: INE

Housing sales by region

The Spanish regions (autonomous communities) that registered the greatest annual increases in the number of housing sales in July were Cantabria (79.1%), Madrid (78.9%) and Galicia (66.5%).

The only region with a negative variation rate (-6.5%) was País Vasco (the Basque Country).

The smallest annual increases were recorded in Extremadura (13.3%) and Aragón (28.6%).

Screenshot 2021-09-28 at 11-04-34 Notas de prensa INE (inglés) - etdp0721_en pdf

Source: INE.

Registered home sales increased 53.5% year-on-year in Spain