Video: how to speak to a doctor about your health in Finnish

In these difficult times, it can be helpful to know how to speak to a doctor or how to book an appointment at the health center in Finnish.

Unfortunately we are living a very special time.

Everybody is talking about illness, quarantine, sneezing and coughing. I’m sure you have heard words like päivystys (emergency care), aivastaa (sneeze), hengitysvaikeudet (trouble breathing) or vastustuskyky (immunity) in many occasions lately.

In case you would need to talk about health issues in Finnish, I have made a video teaching the most important words and sentences of this topic. It may be useful to know how to tell about your health issues to a doctor or how to book an appointment at the health center in Finnish.

However, I hope that you won’t need these words in real life.

Stay healthy and take care!